Danger is my middle first name.

Welcome! I'm Jeremy Danger Dean and I come from a place where storytelling, science, technology and the arts are all the same thing.

The Past

Back in the late 90's, just out of highschool, I took a Global Networking class at a local community college. I was no stranger to technology at that time, but I had no idea what "Global Networking" even was. The first week was all about how computers talk to each other, but by the second week, the professor had asked the class to take a vote to see if everyone would rather learn HTML, which was still a buzz word at the time. He simply said, because the internet boom is happening right now, you can go get a tech job today if you learn HTML.

So, I did. I quit the class, read a fourth of an HTML book, slapped a resume together and started a technology career that would lead to so many different opportunities in programming, design, illustration, print, video, music and so much more. In the 20 years that followed, I was lucky enough to work for some great companies like SmartHome, NADA Guides, Word & Brown and many more, each bringing new opportunities to learn new skills.

It's hard to put into words, but at some point technology started to take a back seat for me as I rediscovered my love for storytelling. After finishing a few creative projects, I knew my future was headed in the direction of storytelling.


The Present

Storytelling and technology are my passions. I've invented a technology, I call "The Waypointer", that enables me to make real-world, story-driven puzzle adventures and experiences using your mobile device as a bridge between the real and digital worlds. I've designed it. I've proven each piece works over years of testing. Now it's time to build it and start introducing adventure into everyday life all over the world. Read more...


The Future

Stay tuned. I'm just getting warmed up.

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